
Find out if you’re at risk of developing lifestyle conditions…

Assess your risk of developing lifestyle conditions like Diabetes, Obesity, PCOS, Cholesterol Imbalance or Hypertension and take proactive steps to prevent the disease!

Who should take this assessment?

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Who should take this assessment?

You are older than 30 years of age

You are gaining weight & your health is declining

 If you’ve been following an unhealthy lifestyle

You have a family history of conditions like Diabetes

Assess your health holistically

  • Get your lifestyle habits and state of current health analyzed
  • Get early warning indicators that highlight the risk of developing a lifestyle condition
  • Take proactive steps to restore your health and prevent the onset of diseases

How does this work?


Schedule a sample collection from the comfort & convenience of your home


A Phlebotomist arrives at your doorstep to collect the samples as scheduled


We send you a Personalised assessment to better understand your lifestyle routine and habits


A Personalised Report is Delivered to you which is easy to understand and Action oriented


Consult with In-House Doctors to understand your current Health Condition


Consult with In-House Health Counsellors to kickstart your Health Transformation


Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?
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